Toms River, NJ USA

God’s timing is amazing. I saw this on the way out of speech/OT and knew it had to be something left for others and homemade. I looked it up and sure enough it said to take it home. God knows that I treasure things like this that come from the heart of sweet people who are just trying to brighten someone’s day. The person who works the front desk explained to me that it was the sweet lady who was just getting in her car who was leaving them around for others. I knew I had to let her know the impact she just made as an encouragement to continue. And to let her know her efforts were not in vain. She didn’t see me as I walked out towards her car as she was backing out but when she got to the stop sign to look both ways she looked in my direction and I held up the heart and I waved to her to say thank you and she waved back with a smile as I signed thank you to her and blew her a kiss. These things mean so much to me. I still have the card/drawing that someone put in our mailbox at the Ronald McDonald house years ago that said stay strong and it sits on my dresser and periodically reminds me to keep on going. My 2 yr old son loved this little heart. It prompted a conversation with the guy at the door as he explained all about this woman, we got into why it meant a lot to me and that caused him to relate to me some things and that in turn turned into a reminder that the things that get me through day-to-day are things like this, taking time to find the things that make me smile or bring me even just a little joy, and the main thing is Jesus and reading his Word. That in turn reminded me I need to do that. I need to read more. I need to get back into my Bible because I’ve probably picked it up only a handful of times over the last few years. I read the Scriptures that come across my screen on Facebook and from people that send them to me, but I haven’t actually picked up my Bible. God used a sweet lady, A little sweet heart, and a doorman to nudge me in the right direction. I made one good step this week, I think it’s time I make another good step. I need to be careful to not allow others misuse of the Word of God to keep me from reading it.
There was another heart left on the tree and kind of wish I was able to grab it for my son because he would’ve loved it but I didn’t want to be selfish and take a second one. Left it for somebody else. ❤️

oh and the reason that this is about God‘s timing is that today I lingered a bit more, I talked a bit more with my son‘s therapist and spent a little extra time getting us ready to leave because I’m exhausted and just didn’t want to get on the road yet and The lady had just left it and was just leaving as we were coming down to leave.