Time to Update!

Web Site Update

The Three Sisters want to give everyone an update on our web site issues.

Currently we are 20x over our data limits for our web host. They can no longer support this overage without moving us to our own server and costing us exponentially more for the hosting.  Because of this data overage and an outdated theme, updates could not happen, processes get bogged down, pictures wouldn’t  upload, etc. So, we had to change!

The first change you will notice is a new look to the web site.  Today it is just a basic site, but this will evolve over the next few weeks as we update and tweak the appearance and features on the site.  But for today, it is functioning, WHOOP!  Some of the features are missing, like the search feature, dates on posts, etc., but we will work to make the site visually appealing and fully functional!  This will just take a bit of time.

Next, and one of the most impactful changes, is we have to pair down the data usage on our site.  We have discussed what must happen and have determined we need to remove most of the older reported hearts from our website.  We have stored 10 years of reported hearts on our website which is well over 40,000! But, we must bid a fond farewell to those older reported hearts and make space for the new hearts!  We have started the removal process of hearts, and to keep within the data limits we will only keep a portion of the reported hearts on the web site.

Another change will occur on Facebook. At one time we did allow hearts to be posted to FB. We would take those hearts and add them to our website, so all hearts would be on our website and only a sampling would be on FB. Moving forward, finders of hearts will again be able to post to FB or to the website. Whichever site a heart is reported to is where it will remain. If you want to see ALL approved hearts reported as found, you would need to check both the website and Facebook.  The printable tags have been updated again to include the FB logo, but no need to change if you have tags printed without it. I know I have thousands and plan to use them up before printing out and using new ones.

As much as we have tried to keep everything consistent and the same, we know change must happen. Some will embrace the change, others will not; but nevertheless, change is coming. It will not be instant but gradual, as 10 years is going to take a lot of work to revamp and redo. Also, since this is new for us too, we have no idea what additional changes will need to be made, what changes will be kept, dumped, or tweaked. Please be patient with us, embrace the change, and give grace to us as we learn to navigate a new process.

This change can be exciting and who knows what the next 10 years will bring!

Kindest Regards,

The Three Sisters