Stradbroke Island, Australia

I found a quilted heart; and it was meant to be
These last few months have proven especially tough for me
I have followed my heart and man, Have I tried
But manageable times fade quickly and many times I’ve sat and cried
I have taken some time to put myself back together
And focus on life before I am gone forever
Today I took a walk for some sea therapy
And there was my heart, hanging peacefully in a tree
It was beautifully present and many others had it passed by
But there she hung, waiting for me to stop and say Hi
I read the tag, and accepted the generosity
Of a beautifully created heart, that was collected by me
I smiled as I removed the heart from the tree
And held it gently as I smiled internally
I thank you – my quilter for creating the heart
I am very grateful you have helped my healing start
Although, we will most likely never meet
I take this opportunity to thank you internally for being so sweet

Lots of Love and gratitude
Your heart discoverer – Stradbroke Island 09/06/2023xx