Shorewood, IL USA

I found this heart a while ago, not realizing how it would find me again. When I first found this heart I took my children to the library. We were going through a lot due to my spine injury. i went from a very active mother to walking with a cane. as we were leaving the library, I couldn’t make it to the car without stopping and found a gazebo, and in the gazebo was this heart. I then put the heart on my sewing desk and shortly after we had a flood in my sewing room and everything got misplaced. It wasn’t until now that I just found the heart again, ironically after a serious hand injury. Finding this heart reminded me how far I have come and how i will get past this pain. I look at this heart and remember how I couldn’t make it to the parking lot without stopping, and i can finally run again. It is my reminder, this too shall pass.