Shirley, IL USA

Hi, my names Corben and I am 10 years old… here’s my story. Me and my dad were biking down a trail right next to our house, and we stopped, and my dad said, “Let’s stop here and go back to the house.” I replied, “Let’s go down until the next stopping point.” so we went and went until the next stopping point my dad said,” K lets go back” I replied back, “Let’s go to the end.” He looked at the long trail ahead for a moment then said, “You know how long that’s going to take right?” I said, “Yeah.” and off we went. We got to a rest stop that we had only biked to once and then at the end on a tree…. was…. THE HEART. Now I thought someone had just left their mark on a tree symbolling hey I made it to the end so I said to my dad, “Dad if we bike here again, we should bring something to leave behind like that heart on the tree.” He said “Ok” and we were going to leave (after taking a picture of the sunset) then my dad yelled, “Corben look the heart says something!” so, I walked over and sure enough it said ” I Need a Home” then we saw the website and we said we will look it up when we get home so we rode home (which hurt my legs) and now IM HERE. It’s not exactly exciting like , I WAS GETTING CHASED BY A SHARK AND THERE WAS AN ISLAND THEN I SWAM UP AND MY LEG GOT BIT OFF BUT I STILL GOT THE HEART… but its ok, I want to thank you because this is so fun, and it did brighten my day it’s just so cool that you do this and it just shows that little things go a long way. This was so fun to do.

— Corben