Sheffield, South Yorkshire England

I’m at work, I work in Ponds Forge and I work down stairs but I do pop up stairs to make hot drinks every now and again. On the way to the kettle I noticed the heart left on the coffee machine outside of the office. I walked past it on the way in thinking maybe a kid had left their masterpiece but on the way out something told me to stop and have a look. It caught my eye because of the very shiny silver sequins. Once I realized what I had stumbled upon it actually made my eyes well as I’ve been having the worst weekend and the last place I’d wanna be is work but that little heart has made mine burst. It’s indeed the little things that make a difference! I shall be hanging this in my bedroom to remind me that even on bad days the little things can make all the difference. I feel really cool that I got one and nobody else in work has.

Lovely gesture and I think they mean more to people than you’d imagine.