Roxbury, NJ USA

Little back story first…. Like 10 years ago I was struggling pretty bad. Not feeling loved, forgotten, unworthy, hopeless and so on. I was a Christian, yet I believed God didn’t love me. Or I wouldn’t allow his love in. I went on a Christian women’s retreat one weekend, but I was struggling. I took a walk on the beach one evening because I find peace in nature. So, while I was walking, praying and just soaking in the beauty, I stopped to take pictures of the sunset and the waves crashing against the rocks. Later I was talking to some ladies about how I was feeling and showing them the pictures, one says wow this water spray looks like a heart. They all looked at the picture and seemed to agree God knew what I was feeling, and he knows my love for nature, and he was showing me he loves me by sending that heart.

Fast forward to another time I was not feeling all that great about life. I was walking and I found a heart shaped rock in a HUGE pile of rocks! It was like God was saying I’m here and I love you and I will never stop loving you. Since I have seen Hearts all over in nature. Rocks, clouds, flowers, in the bottom of a lake, a leaf chewed by an insect in a shape of a heart. One of the best ones though was during church feeling unworthy to take communion yet fighting the lies. I grabbed a broken piece of the cracker in the pile and to my surprise it was a HEART!! If that’s not God I don’t know what is!

Ok ok sorry my QUILT heart story now……..
I’ve been dealing with family stuff recently that has caused me to struggle to trust God. Wondering where He is and then the fears & doubts started to creep in. I had a migraine for two days, work was stressful, and I just wasn’t feeling great mentally. Yet it was a gorgeous 68-degree evening, so I forced myself to take a walk. Took my dog Timmy to Horseshoe Lake. He stops to smell & mark EVERYTHING, and it gets old after a while, and I started to lose my patience. I’m walking and staring at my phone when he stopped yet again. I turn around to say COME ON!! I looked up and saw this thing in the tree. I walked over and saw it said I need a home. “I found a quilted heart” oh how cool and I almost walked past it, but God knew, and he used my dog to get my attention. So, as I am writing this something new dawned on me…….I have been worrying a lot about my son and I realized this heart was his school colors and I am believing God is trying to tell me he will be ok just trust me. I love your son even more then you do! I’m protecting him and will bring him back home. He is mine!

So, whoever made this heart and chose to put it on the path I walked at Horseshoe Lake in Roxbury NJ thank you!! I hope if you are reading this you see that what may have been a small act of kindness made a big impact on me! May God bless you!