Parker, CO USA

I found this quilted heart on my daily morning walk today; a walk I’ve taken hundreds of times, a walk that has become a necessity to my mental well-being. As I was rounding a corner I’ve rounded countless times, out of breath and cursing my burning quads as I had just completed the toughest incline of the trek, I saw something curious clipped to the branch of a bush next to the sidewalk. My first inclination was to pass it by since my thoughts were consumed with getting back to my warm house; the usual thought that occurs an hour and 9 minutes into my walk. Thoughts of my morning tea sped my weary feet, but something made me stop and inspect this item of intrigue. As I read the “I NEED A HOME” tag pinned to the patchwork craft, I smiled and wondered if I should retrieve it – did I deserve such a cute little treasure? Should I leave this for someone else who perhaps needs this delight more than myself? As my eyes scanned the beautiful neighborhood trail, they didn’t spot another soul. It was just me and the heart that fate had paired together somehow… on a walk I have taken hundreds of times, along a path my Fitbit has recorded thousands of steps, upon a branch I may never have noticed had it not been for this crafted gem made with loving hands. No, this quilted heart belonged to me and me alone. The smile never left my face for the remaining 6 and a half minutes of my walk (usually 7 and a half, but I know the heart added some pep to my step), and as I entered my house I showed my family my fated fortune, and they each smiled in turn. As my morning tea steeped the required 5 minutes, I took the heart up to my desk and clipped it to the lampshade where it will look over me as I write my words, record my voice and make my dreams come true. Thank you, quilted heart, I didn’t know how much I needed you.