New Castle, PA USA

I had to bring the husband and dogs to work with me today due to work being done on our home. I run a community arts center and museum with plenty of space to for said hubby to work remotely while hanging out with ‘the girls’. We coordinated a break at 11 am to walk the dogs and have lunch. While circling the museum’s property, my husband pointed out something hanging off the back door. A quilted heart! And, boy, was it good timing! For I had just been telling him about a nasty email I received the day before regarding an individual’s expressed disapproval of our annual Color Run. This June event is held during Pride Month to acknowledge our LGBTQ+ community. It was just as I was expressing the irony of someone who “protects” the moral values of our community using so many expletives to attack another in one sentence, that he pointed it out. As I pulled it off the door, I was instantly reminded of good, kind people. It may sound silly, but the heart restored my faith in our work and in humanity. The first thing I thought was perhaps God intervened for me to find it. To “keep up the good fight” if you will. Thank you, random stranger, for placing it where you did. It made a difference!