New Castle, NH USA

Hi! My name is Taylor and I live in the Metro Detroit area of Michigan (Novi, MI). On the weekend of October 28th I flew into the Boston Airport to visit the area for the weekend, for a couple of reasons. First, to visit my 15 year old brother at his hockey prep school (Go Middlesex Bears!). Second, to spend a few days in Salem, MA for the Halloween festivities! (I highly recommend visiting Salem, but not during late October! It was insanely busy! I don’t regret it, but I won’t go back again during that time of year.)

The third reason was to drive along the coast (route 1) up to Maine, to see the pretty fall colors, beautiful coast, and intriguing light houses. According to our original itinerary, Great Common Island wasn’t going to be one of our stops, because we didn’t know it existed!

When we got closer, the park popped up on our lighthouse viewpoint google searches and we saw that from the park you can view a few different lighthouses. The Whaleback Lighthouse (est. 1830), the Granite Lighthouse that stands there now (built in 1872), and the Portsmouth Harbor Lighthouse.

While taking photos of the lighthouses, we saw the cool sculpture/statue of a painter with an easel working on the scenic skyline. I, of course, HAD to get a photo of me pretending to be a masterpiece! When I stepped behind the sculpture I saw the little quilted heart hanging on the brush of the sculpture! I wonder how many people stopped to take photos at that spot and had no clue it was back there!

It was such a pleasant surprise and added bonus to our trip! Thank you to whoever put the quilted heart there. My goal is to learn how to quilt and “pay it forward” in the future!