Monson, MA USA

Yesterday, February 17, was especially difficult for me. I attended the funeral of a close friend who passed from a rare form of cancer after two years of excruciating treatments. Despite everything, my friend kept on teaching high school freshmen up until a few weeks before she died, and she was past the average retirement age. We taught together for 11 years and were friends for much longer. She inspired many students and colleagues ~ a true illuminator who brought out the best in everyone. I was reeling from the emotional turmoil of mourning this great loss, as well as the joy of reconnecting with old friends and former students last night when I found this heart in the foyer of Beth’s Family Dining. It felt like my dear friend was saying hello and sending love. I would text her “sending love” with a heart in her final days when she couldn’t reply. Thank you to the anonymous creator of this very heartfelt heart.