Melbourne, FL USA

This heart and random act of kindness couldn’t have come at a more serendipitous time. The overarching theme of this month has been massive amounts of change, including some very significant losses, one of which happened the day I found this heart. I cried my heart out. I had gone to get dinner to share with my dad and while waiting, I felt the urge to take a walk and visit an oak tree that is the centerpiece to a hometown park. Usually I would take a different path, but not today. As I’m sitting on the bench taking in my surroundings, just appreciating the impermanence of life and the beauty of raw feelings, I turn to my right and see a heart hanging in a bush. This quilted heart. God works in mysterious ways, and in that moment I felt that everything was happening exactly as it was supposed to. I felt like Jesus and my aunt had just given me a hug and told me everything was going to be ok. I began to cry little tears of gratitude and praying for the person who left this heart.

What a beautiful project. Thank you 🤍