Marshall,MI USA

March 9, 2024

After being rudely awakened by a drunken roommate aggressively beating on my locked bedroom door, I noticed that near the center of the door it was splintered and wasn’t going to hold up much longer. As quietly and quickly as I could I got dressed, put the collar on my dog along with her leash and waited for an opportunity to exit my room and the apartment. I had tried calling 911 the call would not go thru. It was a new phone and because I hadn’t entered emergency information I could not use 911.
Opportunity presented itself. Just as I was finishing locking my door I heard the roommate scramble to his bedroom door. I was faster however and made it to the stairs to get outside.
For the next several hours my faithful companion and I walked in the cold drizzling rain until neither of us could take it any longer.
Just a few short blocks from home I discovered the quilted heart blowing around itself on a branch in a tree. The gold in the material seemingly whisper a glint of hope and brightness to a dismal overcast day.
Thank you