Katepwa Beach, SK Canada

My husband and I arrived at Katepwa Beach today for a holiday. We planned on golfing and taking our Seadoos out on the lake. The weather was cool and the wind was up so we went for a walk instead. We wandered the town and the beach and followed a trail to have a look at the disc golf area. While looking at the course I spied a heart hanging from the low branch on a bush. I read “I need a home” and saw the website address. We stopped to look up www.ifaqh.com and loved what we found. That someone took the time to make this heart and then leave it out for an unknowing person to find really touched my heart. I carried the heart with me on the rest of our walk. As a teacher, I plan on paying it forward by having my students do a quilted heart project and letting them experience the joy of both making a quilted heart and then leaving it for someone to find. I always teach my students about putting good out into the world to make it a better place. Finding the heart really made my day.