It’s A Thing!

While at the airport recently, heading out for another heart sowing adventure, we sat and observed new fashion trends and hairstyles (which to us are often repeats of days gone by), colors and patterns, electronic devices, etc.  When I got back home, I asked my children – is that a “thing” now?  In recent months, we have seen finders of hearts say “I didn’t know this was a thing”. We are here to say, I Found A Quilted Heart (IFAQH) is a thing! What that thing is will be different to each person who makes a heart (sews), plants a heart (sows) or finds a heart.  What IFAQH means to the three IFAQH sisters is simple – sharing joy with a stranger one heart at a time.  IFAQH is a random act of kindness project with no hidden message- we do not promote any person, event, agenda, or organization; and we do not profit from it in any financial way.  In this complex world, IFAQH is a simple project and labor of love, and maybe that is why it has become a thing!

IFAQH has grown and spread organically, which is exactly how we like it! Reporters, non-profits, and corporations have contacted us to promote IFAQH broadly. We are honored that they think IFAQH is worthy to share, but we are ok with the slower organic growth and have denied each request. One of our concerns is communicating clearly, what IFAQH’s  “thing” is.  We wonder if it is necessary to find a heart or hear about the project from someone who has found a heart to “get” the heart of the project.   Over the course of the years, we have experienced other people trying to make IFAQH something it is not.  To be clear, we do not think any of those were done with ill intentions, in fact, we believe their intentions are very good.  Nevertheless, those good intentions would change the heart and mission of IFAQH.

What finding a heart means to the random stranger is broad and diverse. Some want to “re-sow” it (even though hearts are theirs to keep!) to some it is a message from a loved one; others it is a symbol that there is still good, caring people in the world; and to others  just a fun thing, or even just a smile added to their day. Whatever the meaning or reason they put to finding a heart, finders of a heart have a unique and individual opinion of what their heart means to them.  

It is not up to the sow-er to choose the heart’s random stranger; it is up to the heart.  Yes, we do understand that the heart is an inanimate object.  Nevertheless, somehow, some way, that heart jumps out to just the right person at just the right time.  That is why we ask everyone not to present or gift the hearts to specific people – even if they are a stranger. Place the heart in an open, public place open to anyone (not retail store, not bathrooms) and walk away. Do not place hearts in or on private property – as that is not public. 

The guidelines from our website:

  • Do not hand, give or gift hearts to people. (Hearts need to be “found.”)
  • Do not leave hearts on personal or private property, such as a front porch, vehicle, door, desk, bicycle, mailbox, gate, hotel rooms, break rooms, etc. (Not public and not random.)
  • Do not leave hearts in retail stores. (Can be mistaken for merchandise.)
  • Do not leave hearts in airports. (Homeland security does not approve!)
  • Do not leave hearts in National Parks or National Wilderness areas. (Federal Regulation Title 36, 2.22 (a))
  • Do not leave hearts in public bathrooms.
  • Do not leave in places where they may be thrown away by staff.

The IFAQH tags have specific guidelines too.  All hearts should have “I Need A Home”  and our website on them.  The OPTIONAL phrases allowed on tags are:

  • #ifoundaquiltedheart
  • #IFAQH

Please do not add anything other than the approved phrases on a tag or heart. There are many, many kind words of inspiration, encouragement, love, but please refrain from using them for this project.

These guidelines provided help us manage IFAQH’s  image, mission and “thing”.  If anyone wants to take some ideas from IFAQH and start their own project with website, tags, FB page, etc., we encourage you to do that! There have actually been some projects birthed because IFAQH did not quite fit the message they wanted to share, and we are honored. 

Know that we appreciate feedback from all – those that have posted hearts as found (FYI – only about 10-15% of all hearts sown are actually reported to us), sew-ers and sow-ers of hearts, or those of you who have just heard about IFAQH and read some of the stories.  We, the three sisters, are humbled and completely amazed at how this project has taken off. It is a lot of work for us to keep IFAQH going, but it is a labor of love that we enjoy.  May a quilted heart find you at just the right time in the very near future. Nevertheless, even if a heart never finds you, know that you are loved!