Hebron, NE USA

I found a quilted heart hanging from the bushes in front of the city library where I work. I was talking to one of our patrons outside. I had said hi to her from across the street. She came over and chatted with me. It was then that I had spotted it. I thought, “what is that?” I left it hanging through the night, to find it still there in the morning. I made a facebook post to thank whoever left it there just in case they follow us. Now, back to the patron. She is an elderly woman who has helped teach children oversees, she has volunteered at the library for me. She has made one on one time for my daughter (8 yrs old) to design a fun book. She encouraged my daughter to tell a sweet story with illustrations. I can see how much it means to her to help the littles here at the library. She is irreplaceable and beyond appreciated. I later found out that our Board President had seen it there the Friday before while I was on vacation with my family but had decided to leave it. I’m so glad I came across it. It will hang proudly inside the library for all to see.