Hebron, IL USA

After work I like to go to a trail in Hebron to quiet my thoughts and talk to the Lord about things that have happened and things that are on my mind…. And walk a couple miles as long as my legs and knees will allow… What’s funny is I didn’t find this heart which was at the beginning of the trail where I started until I was done I seen it at the end when I was coming back after I had poured my HEART out to God…. A lot has happened for me over the past 15 years and just recently the loss of my youngest sister to suicide…. And 10 months later my mother passing away no doubt from the grief of losing her youngest daughter the way she did has weighed heavy on me the past few years… along with so many other things that I know everybody else is going through too, jobs, things happening in this world etc ….. It was nice to find a little special something to brighten your day.,….God does see and hears.♥️