Gloucester, VA USA

I have been seeing there hearts on Facebook, but I had never seen a real one. Thinking that this might be a fun thing to participate in, I looked up the rules and printed out my labels. The next day, I was out on another quest. I had been looking for an earring holder in stores, thrift stores, etc for weeks to no avail, when I decided to try one more thrift shop. It was a busy day there and there were very few parking places left, but I managed to find one, pulled in, turned off the car, and just happened to look straight ahead. Right there, directly in front of me at eye level, was a quilted heart hanging on a low tree branch! I took it off the tree and stuck it in my pocketbook. I made one round in the store and there, on the last row, was the perfect earring holder!!! I came straight home, painted my earring holder, hung my quilted heart, and sat back with a cup of hot tea and a smile. ❤️