Fenwick Island, DE USA

On a sunrise beach walk, my pups and I decided it was too windy and cold to walk along the water. We chose to take a path along the dunes protected from the wind. Daisy and Lucy were nose to the ground. I’d passed the same spot many times. Today, up against a post, buried in the dune grass, I saw what I thought was a piece of paper. I pulled it free and was delighted to discover a lovely quilted fabric heart! I turned it over and saw the tag. I snapped a pic and shared my discovery with my sister. I usually send her pics of my beach treasures. By the time I’d returned to my car, she had found the website and the project! I absolutely love the goodness in all of this. I collect heart shaped rocks and shells on my walks–this heart however, was a special gift from the Universe. I had spent Thanksgiving alone and was missing family and friends. To find a heart that needed a home lifted my spirits and connected me to the love and goodness all around me. Thank you for putting into the world such kindness!