Aug 02


I wasn’t sure if it was OK to take it because it was outside a door to a business and they may like it as decoration since it’s so pretty.

Jul 29

Anytown, IA USA

Been struggling internally lately with the fact that we’ve got a missing girl close to my age in our area. Just up and vanished without a trace. Walking into work

Mar 01


I found this heart while walking on the street, and thinking about my life after the divorce proceedings. Suddenly, I saw this beautiful handmade with a smiley face on it.

Dec 29


I was meeting up with a couple of friends for a walk when we stopped for coffee. I was giving them their Xmas presents when I happened to look down

Jun 10


This heart made my day!!!! – It was early in the morning at work. My day had begun really bad, I was feeling so frustrated things were not going well…

Nov 27


Found outside of See’s Candy, Perfect for my box of chocolates gift.

Feb 07


Heartfelt Wishes – I was feeling particularly blue today. It is cold and damp outside and the weather matched my sadness. My sweet niece died on Friday and her death