Calgary, AB Canada

I felt the call to eat something outside my home. I saw this new hamburger place in the south of Calgary, called South Street burger, and I decided to try it out. I sat alone while I waited for my food to be prepared, then I started reading all these horrible stories about the people living in Gaza are going through. The place was empty. I felt good to be there and support this business but sad in ❤ for all this unnecessary suffering. I decided to seat alone and eat my hamburger. I enjoyed it. But I left this place wondering how in this world we are hurting and killing people in the name of power, money, religion? Nothing can justify imposing suffering and taken a life. NOTHING!!
There is nothing more valuable that being alive to breathe this air, to love each other and enjoy our mother earth.
Could not understand! Walked towards my car with all these thoughts in my head. I had parked the car right across the restaurant by a tree.

I saw something hanging from the tree. Couldn’t recognize it at 1st, then I saw the shape of a white pigeon- significance of peace.
I received the love from you in this moment. Thank youuu!! ❤
I felt like I should pray for peace and love in this world 🙏
There is not place for hate, only for ❤
Love you!💗