Calgary, AB Canada

A friend of mine had asked me to do some midday dog-walking for her, so I went to her apartment to pick up her corgi, Strudel. I decided to take the opportunity to go for a walk down by the river, as she lives a few blocks from one of Calgary’s rivers, the Bow. This particular section of the Bow is adjacent to a small theatre building called the Pumphouse, so there are a few sculptures and art installations to view and enjoy as well. One such installation is a bench that’s made half from carved stone and half from red metal. I noticed the quilted heart hanging from an orange streamer on the red metal section of this bench and below it someone had placed a large branch. I thought it may have been a memorial of sorts, so I went over to take a closer look. I was delighted to discover this quilted heart was a treasure that I could take home! The orange colour scheme really brightened my day. I placed it in my purse and used the plastic bag to gather a few Saskatoon berries from the river bank before heading home. Thank you for making my day!