Calgary, AB Canada

Today felt like a bit of a hard day, and so I packed up my baby in the car and went down to Baker Park to find some fresh air and exercise to shift things. I find this park to be so healing. The river, the birds, the trees, its salve for the soul.
I was walking along and happened to see a cloth little heart placed on a tall stick close to the pathway…at first I thought it was an art piece for everyone to enjoy so I didn’t want to disturb it. But then, up ahead of me I actually happened to see another cloth heart. A woman stopped ahead of me and took it down, read the small tag, and put it in her pocket. That’s when I knew it was something more. I was really looking forward to finding out what it was on my way back, and I was secretly hoping someone else wouldn’t find it first. However, I surrendered this thought and knew whoever finds first needs it most. Turns out that was me. I found this little beautiful quilted heart that someone lovingly made for someone they didn’t even know. Such a beautiful gesture, it made me cry and feel love. I’ve been feeling so alone these days, and it reminds me of the love and connection that exists even though we don’t see it. Love and compassion are abundant. A small reminder to notice and look for the small moments in life where these exist. We are all more connected than we know. To the angel who made this heart that I found, thank YOU for your love, care, and connection. For showing up in life the way you do. What a treasure you are here on Earth. The world needs more people like you! Beaming love back to you and wrapping you in a hug.

“Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has.” ~ Margaret Mead