Auburn, NH USA

I found this heart on a rail trail at Clark’s Pond while out for a walk or maybe this heart found me. It was meant to be.
The heart was sewn with Winnie the Pooh themed fabric. As a child, I loved Winnie the Pooh. I still love Winnie the Pooh and the stories of the hundred acre woods. I read these stories daily to my young children. There are so many life lessons to be gleaned from them. I drink my coffee out of Winnie the Pooh themed cups. I have Winnie the Pooh themed clothing. Every year I trim the Christmas tree with Pooh themed ornaments.
Even though I have these material items, as I have aged I have forgotten the stories because I have been so busy with the weight of life.
I don’t believe in coincidence. I am not religious. I believe in signs. Signs that appear from the unknown. Signs that comfort us and remind us to live and to love.
Thank you little Winnie the Pooh/Piglet heart for the reminder.