
I work in the Oncology Unit. It’s a TOUGH heart wrenching job, where a lot of really wonderful things happen, but alot of really sad things do too. I happened to be running late this particular day last week (dropping off 3 kids ahead of time plus an hour commute). As I got out of the elevator, an ornament caught my eye, hanging on a snake plant, across from elevator. I thought about grabbing it, but given the population I serve, I knew someone else could use a smile, so left said heart behind, on the snake plant, for hopefully a patient to find on their way to/ from the oncology unit. At the end of the day I was packing up my things, and remembered the heart from early that morning. I decided to go back to look, and the snake plant was empty! I was so curious what that sweet ornament was from early in the day, who it came from, who got it, etc. as I turned around and started to walk back towards my office, I saw it! On the floor, in the corner of a main hallway! The same heart from early on in the morning. I picked it up, saw it needed a home, and proceeded to carry it with glee! I LOVE giving back, and projects that pass along a little kindness. We’ve spent years decorating rocks and leaving them here and there, but this heart is just the bees knees. I am excited to make a few with my Mom this weekend, and continue to share the love! Thank you to whoever visited the hospital last week!