Ankeny, IA USA

I had taken off a few days from work for some much needed self care. My birthday was approaching and I was feeling down because this would be the first time in 4 years that my best friend ( & childhood crush) wouldn’t be calling me and wishing me a Happy Birthday. He passed in July and is missed daily. I was running errands and jumped back in to my car and spotted what appeared to be a heart shaped leaf on this bare little Charlie Brown looking tree. I took a photo, cropped in and noticed it wasn’t a leaf at all. I got out to inspect it closer and realized I Found A ❤️. I’d never heard about this before but thought it was such a sweet concept. I almost left it but suddenly I felt my friend’s presence and I unwound the string from the branch. I’m very spiritual and knew that he was letting me know that he hadn’t forgotten my birthday and he was with present. I turned my car on to leave and a song was playing from one of his favorite artists. It just further convinced me that he had led me straight to this beautiful little heart that I will forever treasure.