Albuquerque, NM USA

We decided to take an afterschool trip to the park near our home, my daughter didn’t want to play so we sat in the grass on a blanket and watched netflix. Yesterday was perfect weather in Albuquerque, NM. It was so breezy and the perfect park day. My son had opted for the trees, he’s 6 and has a newfound passion for climbing them. While monkeying around with some classmates, he noticed something blue and out of place. After screaming all the way across the park “MOMMY MOMMY MOM MOMMY” and nearly giving me a heart attack because i thought he was hurt, he showed me the cutest little lace blue heart, attached was a little note that read “i need a home” and i thought it was SO cute! so we brought it home and i forgot to post about it for a whole day and a half before my boyfriend who was highly invested in the heart-story, reminded me to post! ✨