Vacaville, CA USA

Heart4I was driving along, distraught over a recent unfortunate chain of events and finding myself a victim of a dishonest bank refinance on a commercial property my husband and I own and operate our business out of, I had to pull over on the side of the road… Feeling completely hopeless and as though I had been robbed of 25 years of building a business (too long of a story to share)… suffice it to say sadly there are ambitious, greedy, evil, self serving people who cleverly striped us of our rights to it without us even knowing it… I was feeling like giving up … I was disappointed in humanity and life in general… I’m a Christian… and deep inside I believe nothing comes into my life but by way of God first. I reconciled I had to be okay with this- that God had a higher purpose for allowing it. I called my daughter as I sat there by the side of the road and we prayed together. I felt heart broken. Heart broken for so many reasons… I loved God with all my heart and I believed He loved me too… trying to come to terms with the meaning of this all – I asked had I disappointed God and was this a consequence? Was there something within me that God saw that needed to be dealt with that I was missing? I sat there talking to her, listening to myself through her voice- all the things I have said to her in her lifetime about God, His faithfulness, His love- about how we hold onto the things of this world so tightly – that God would rather us value Him above all things… she was now encouraging me with truths I had garnered from a lifetime of experiences and the Bible… There was a slight breeze and I noted something on a leafless tree that seemed to be in the shape of a heart. From a distance it looked like maybe some kind of interesting seed pod. I watched it for some time… and realized it was a heart- not a seed pod. I got out of the car and walked over to it. There on a branch on a string hung a heart… I read what it said and then walked back to my truck leaving it in place. I continued to watch it and debated whether or not to “give it a home”… I thought, “someone else might need it’s encouragement…” and thought about leaving it there for the next curious person. But then in my thoughts I thought a heart represents love and love is of God according to the Bible… And at that moment I needed to feel God’s love. I needed it. I am always the one to shower others with love but there at that moment I was the one in need. So, I received the love that heart represented… Some kind person put it there… and I was there… it was for me. Thank you sweet kind person- whoever you are… It didn’t necessarily “make my day”.. because I’m still sad but I have it in my car and there it will serve as a reminder and an encouragement to me that I am loved and that One who loves me is more important than earthly things… If I lose all my possessions and yet have retained a relationship with God I am still a wealthy person- my treasure is out of this world.