Temecula, CA USA

My dog is almost two years old and he is very high energy and playful. He normally goes out for long walks and plays outside on adventures every day, but he developed a rapidly growing tumor and needed to be surgically removed. Following the surgery, he wanted to play and run but he was not allowed to have any activity. He tried to keep jumping every chance he could, even though I did my best to stop his activity. Because of this, he developed a hematoma at the surgical site and needed to be kept tied down and confined to heal from the surgery and hematoma. The last two weeks have been very difficult for him and he seemed to be getting very depressed from not going out to play. Today is his first day that he is allowed to start going on walks again and he was so happy and excited to finally be able to go outside for a walk. My dog and I went to his favorite spot, a dried up creek behind our local park and he found this heart hanging from a small plant. Maybe it’s a sign that he will be happy and healthy again now.